
Mindful Moment ...

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The Challenge is designed to teach you the core skill of mindfulness so you can experience less stress, more joy and peak performance. By delivering daily lessons over 30 consecutive days and interrupting you with emails and texts, we're helping you develop new habits that will literally hard wire pathways in the brain. The more we practice returning our attention to the present moment (and research shows we have an average of 40 thoughts per minute so there’s a lot competing for our attention!), the more we hard wire the circuitry of our brain to be and stay in the Zone.

Don't worry if you are falling behind in the Challenge. You have lots of time to complete all 30 Days. It is more important to focus on 1 day at a time. There are many 'Catch Up' days sprinkled into the 30 Day Challenge, and after Day 30 you can always go back and revisit days you haven't yet completed.

When we're mindful and tuned into our sensory experiences, we are more focused, perform better, and connect more easily with other people, so we feel more joy in this zone. It also enables us to become more aware of our internal responses so we can minimize our reactivity and lower our stress.

Yes! The Challenge helps develop new habits and hard wire pathways in the brain that reduce stress, improve focus and performance, and enhance teamwork and communications. It might be possible to notice change right after a Take 5, such as feeling more calm, or less stressed

The effects of mindfulness training are cumulative, meaning every minute of practice is like money in the bank— it all counts, so the more we put in, the greater the return. That's why the 30 day Challenge sets up opportunities to disrupt daily routines and build positive pathways, so it will be easier to get into the Zone and stay there longer.

Neuroscience teaches us that neurons that fire together, wire together. This means that when we habitually make certain associations or connections in our brains, they become stronger each time. It doesn't matter if they’re positive or negative. We'll be working on these connections, developing more positive pathways and trying to stop reinforcing pathways that take us out of the Zone.

The 30 Day Challenge will teach you the core skill of mindfulness so you can experience less stress, more joy and peak performance. By delivering daily lessons over 30 consecutive days and interrupting you with emails and texts, we're helping you develop new habits that will literally hard wire pathways in the brain. The more we practice Take 5 and return our attention to the present moment (research shows we spend almost 50% of our waking hours out of the present moment caught up in thinking about the future or the past!), the more we hard wire the circuitry of our brain to be and stay in the Zone.

Absolutely. Mindfulness has been studied and reported on in thousands of medical and scientific journals over the past 30 years and has an evidence-base behind it that shows mindfulness improves physical wellbeing, emotional wellbeing and mental wellbeing.

Mindfulness is also proven to improve core skills required for success in the workplace such as leadership, communication, team building and conflict management. Because mindfulness teaches you to be in the present moment without judgement, you're able to see things more clearly, respond more thoughtfully (vs. reacting) and connect and communicate more authentically with colleagues.

Imagine if you had to work hard to remember to brush your teeth or get dressed. There was once a time you were learning these things, but now you have made these actions a habit: they are simply part of what you do each day. Now, imagine if being mindful was an integral part of how you live your life. Habits – good and bad alike—are the result of repeated patterns. The MindWell Challenge is a prescription for integrating Take 5 into your daily life, to help you make mindfulness a habit.

More than 4,000 studies rooted in neuroscience over the last 20 years reveal how the brain can change through training—leading to multiple results such as less stress, more joy, better sleep, enhanced relationships, improved creativity, and peak performance. There is no one endgame to MindWell Challenge; everyone will get something different out of it. As you learn to integrate Take 5, a core mindfulness tool, into your daily life, you will notice how it leads to all kinds of results. The possibilities are endless, and your training begins soon!

That's what a lot of people think! To practice mindfulness you don't need to stop what you're doing, change locations, close your eyes or wear something different. You simply need to bring your attention into the present moment and accept what is happening right now without judgement. This sense of being present, with openness, and without judgment, is what's known as mindfulness.

Life is brighter and experiences are more focused, pleasurable, and meaningful when we're in the present moment. As humans we are always moving in and out of this mindful Zone, and that's okay - we can't stay 100% mindful all of the time. The key is to learn to notice WHEN we fall out of the Zone— and to be able to readily move back into the present moment. You do that through Take 5.